Faisal Samra

1956 Born in Bahrain, Saudi Nationality
1980 Graduated from “Ecole National Superieure des Beaux Arts – Paris, France (with honor degree)

Since 1993 lives and works between Bahrain / Saudi Arabia and Paris


2011 Traffic Gallery, Dubai

2010 Albareh Art Gallery, Bahrain

2009 Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris, France
2008 XVA Gallery, Dubai

  • K. Shoman Foundation, Amman, Jordan
  • XVA Gallery, Dubai. Sultan Gallery, Kuwait

2005 XVA Gallery, Dubai
2004 Green Art Gallery, Dubai
2003 Agial Gallery (Work on Paper), Fennel Gallery (Third World Citizen), Beirut, Lebanon

2002 Grass Gallery (The Ultimate Fire), Kuwait

2000 Rochan Gallery, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (Sponsored by The Almansouria Foundation -Other Body & Heads)


  • Alriwaq Art Gallery, Bahrain
  • Galerie Epruve d`artiste (Repeated & Different) Beirut, Lebanon

1998 Masafa Gallery (Icon), Kuwait

  • Art Center, Bahrain. Vision Gallery (Contemporary Miniatures), Bahrain
  • Darat Al-Funun (Nabatiyats) – Amman, Jordan

1995 Masafa Gallery (Trace of Angels) – Kuwait

1994 Arts Center (Nostalgia) Manama, Bahrain
1992 Galerie Seltzer Lejeun (Sensation Plastique) – Paris, France
1991 Institut Du Monde Arabe (Le Pli) – Paris, France
1990 Rochan Gallery – London, UK
1989 Galerie E. Dinet (Acte Nomade) – Paris, France

1989 &1987 Sultan Gallery (Signs) & (Moualaqat) – Kuwait

1985 Rochan Gallery – Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
1974 Culture & Arts Association – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia



  • Haein Art Project, Haeinsa Temple – South Korea
  • Marrakech Art Fair ( Images Affranchies), Marrakech, Morocco
  • Bonhams Auction, Dubai


  • Bonham’s Auction, London
  • Video Biennial (Cave & le Wave) Maraya Art Center, Sharjah, UAE
  • Edge of Arabia – Soho House, Berlin, Germany
  • Fluid Form 1, K.F.C.C., Seoul – South Korea


  • Traversée, Rabat, Morocco
  • Edge of Arabia – Venice, Italy


  • Cairo Biennial
  • Traversee at DARB, Cairo
  • Edge of Arabia, London-UK
  • Singapore Biennial
  • Mimmo Scognamiglio Gallery (Surreal – Curator: Demetrio Paparoni) Milano, Italy
  • Traversee, Paris (Grand Palais)
  • Art Dubai, Dubai (Galerie Enrico Navarra)


  • Art Paris, Abu Dhabi
  • Christie’s, Dubai
  • “Language of the Desert,” Abu Dhabi


  • Christie’s Auction, Dubai
  • IMA, Paris, France
  • British Museum, London, U.K.


  • Kunst Museum, Bonn, Germany
  • Mairie de Neuilly-sur-Seine, France


  • Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg, Germany
  • Frankfurt Book Fair (Art Book Expo), Germany
  • Overgaden Museum, Denmark (Video Art)

2003 The Arabian Canvas, Dubai

2002 Institut du monde Arabe (Kinda collection) Paris, France


  • Cairo Biennial, Cairo, Egypt
  • World Museum, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Egizio`s Project Gallery, New York, U.S.A.

1999 National Museum of Fine Arts, Amman, Jordan


  • French Embassy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Egee Art Gallery, London, U.K.
  • Award to participate at Liberty 98-New York, USA United Nations


  • Sixty Arab Artistes at Darat Al Funun. Amman, Jordan
  • Europe Art – Geneva, Switzerland

1995  Award to participate at the 50th Anniversary of the UN Exhibition “Dialogues of Peace” 50 Artists Worldwide Geneva, Switzerland


  • Poitier Modern Art Museum – Poitier, France
  • Contemporary Arab Art – 22 Artists. Selected to Participate at the “Hope & Optimism” Portfolio Magdalene College, U.K.

1991 Seoul International Festival of Art – Seoul, South Korea

1990 Annual Concourse, Suresnes, France. Theme: RACINES

1987 Arab Graphic Arts-Maison de la culture, Le Haver, France

1986 Baghdad International Festival, Baghdad, Iraq

1985 Rochan Gallery – Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

1983 Salon de mai – Espace, Pierre Cardin, Paris, France

1982 UNESCO – Paris, France

1978 Award to exhibit at Drawing Masters-St. Remy les chevereuses, France.


  • Award at Concours David Vaill – Paris, France
  • Award to exhibit at Maison des Beaux – Arts – Paris, France

1975 to 79 Annual Drawing Exhibitions, Beaux-Arts, Paris, France (Three Awards)

Projects & Public Collection Acquisitions:


  • Haeinsa Temple Collection, South Korea
  • Farjam Collection, Dubai

2010 Farook Collection, Dubai

2009 Weng Fine Art, Germany

2008 Private Collection, Abu Dhabi


  • Galerie Enrico Navarra – Paris, France
  • K.Shoman Foundation – Amman, Jordan
  • Sheikh Majed Alsabah Collection


  • Abdurrahman Al-Awaiss Foundation – UAE
  • World wide collector Mr. Saeb Eigner – London, UK
  • British Museum, London, UK


  • Sheikha Paulla Alsabah private collection – Kuwait
  • Dr. Anwar Gargash (Gargash Enterprises) private collection – Dubai


  • BuchDruckKunst e.V. Art book Museum, Hamburg, Germany
  • Bahrain National Museum
  • Bahrain Financial Harbor Project. Zayed House, Bahrain
  • Gargash Enterprises, Dubai

2001 Modern Art Museum – Cairo, Egypt


  • Kinda collection-Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Almansouria Foundation – Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • Aljafali Art collection- Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


  • Sheikh Abdallah Al-Sabah collection
  • National Museum of Fine Arts & Darat Al-Funun – Amman, Jordan


  • ARAMCO – Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
  • National Methanol Co. (IBN SINA) Jubail, Saudi Arabia

1993 Regency International Hotel – Manama, Bahrain

1992 King Fahad Airport – Dammam, Saudi Arabia

1988 National Museum – Mexico City, Mexico


  • Ministry of Finance – Kuwait City, Kuwait
  • Institut du Monde Arabe Museum – Paris, France

1986 King Khalid Airport – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

1981 Royal Commission – Jubail, Saudi Arabia

Selection of publications:
– Monograph: Faisal Samra by Roxana Azimi – Publisher SKIR
– In the Arab World Now (Galerie Enrico Navarra – Paris, France)
-Contemporary Art in the Middle East (Black Dog Publishing – London, UK)
– Singapore Biennale 2008 Catalogue – Wonder (National Arts Council – Singapore)
– Surreale by Demetrio Paparoni 2008 (Mimmo Scognamiglio Gallery – Milano, Italy)
– Edge of Arabia Catalogue 2008 (Off Screen – London, UK)
– Word into Art 01 & 02 by Venetia Porter (The British Museum Press – London, UK)
– Art of the Middle East – Saeb Eigner, Published by Merrell – London & New York

Edge of Arabia

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“Throughout history, art has been a vehicle through which people have expressed their visions of humanity and articulated their views of the world and of their own cultures as part of the global cycle of change. The artistic movement in Saudi Arabia is rooted in the Saudi artist’s adherence to all which reflects the transcendental aura of ‘Arabia.’ Read More


Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Sebail

Rafa Al-Nasiri & May Muzaffar

Born Tikrit, Iraq, 1940

BA Graphics, Institute of Fine Arts, Baghdad, 1959

Further studies include: Graphics in both Peking, China, 1959-63, and Lisbon, Portugal, 1967-9

Headed the Graphics Department at Institute of Fine Arts


  • 1986 First Prize, Baghdad International
  • 1977 Jury Prize, Cagne-sur-Mer International Festival, France
  • 1976 Honorary Prize, Fredrikstad Fourth International Graphic Biennial, Norway
  • 1964 Honorary Award, Summer Academy, Salzburg, Austria

Jury member at the International Graphics, Berlin, Germany, 1987

Artwork in private and public collections world over. Lives and works in Bahrain


1995, 1980, 1977, 1975, 1970 Gallery Sultan, Kuwait

1984, 1979 Al-Riwaq Gallery, Iraq

1983 Gallery Faris, Paris

1981 National Museum of Modern Art, Amman

1976 Gallery Nadhar, Casablanca, Morocco

1973 Gallery Contact, Lebanon

1964 Czechoslovakian Cultural Centre, Iraq

1963 Painting and Graphics, Hong Kong


1984 Sixth Inter-Graphic Biennale, Norway

1983 Second Contemporary /Arab Graphic Art, Gallery Graffiti, London

1982, 80 Fredrikstad Sixth and Fifth International Graphics Bienniale, Norway; Krakow Seventh International Graphics Biennial, Poland

1979 São Paolo Fifth Biennale, Brazil; Contemporary Iraqi Art, Messina, Italy

1978 Czechoslovakia Eight International Graphics Bienniale

1977 Ninth Cagne-sur-Mer International Festival, France

1976 Rabat Second Arab Bienniale, Morocco

1975, 68 First and Third New Delhi Triennial, India

1974, 73, 71 National Museum of Modern Art, Baghdad

1968 Gravura Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal

1967 Iraqi Art, Lisbon

1966 Iraqi Graphics, Berlin

1965 International Graphics, Leipzig, Germany

Hani Zu’rob

Born in 1976, in Rafah ( Gaza).

In 1994 he left to Nablus where he achieved his studies in Fine Arts (1999). He then settled in Ramallah until 2006.

In 2006, Zurob got a grant from The Al-Mansouria Foundation which allowed him to reside at the Cite international des Arts in Paris. Since then, he has held different solo shows in Paris, Atlanta, Marrakech and Dubai.


2011 “Hani Zurob, Laureate de Renoir 2009,” Gallery Eric Dumont and Renoir Association, Troyes, France

2010 Retrospective Exhibition, Gallery Europia, Paris


  • Projections, Gallery Re, Marrakech
  • Standby 60, Gallery Crou Beaux-Arts, Paris
  • Standby 60, Mairie du 5eme – Salle Rene Capitant, Paris. 2007
  • Standby, Gallery Wertz contemporary, Atlanta,Marbles War Gallery
  • Crous beaux-Arts, Paris
  • Barrage, Gallery Europia, Paris


  • Exit, Gallery International City of Arts, Paris
  • Siege, Khalil Sakakini Center, Ramallah, Palestine

2002 A Song: No means No, as part of the Young Artist Examination, A.M. Qattan Foundation, Ramallah, Palestine

2001 A.M. Qattan Foundation, Ramallah, Palestine, Ramallah & French Cultural Center of Nablus, Gaza and Jerusalem


2011 Art Dubai, Contemporary Art Fair, presented by Artspace Gallery, Dubai


  • Palestine: La Creation dans tous ses etats held at the Arab World Institute in Paris  and then at the National Museum of Bahrain
  • Gaza 61 + Seoul 59 at the Young Gallery in Seoul

2008 Paris, Damas: Regards Croises, organized by Europia Productions, held at the Arab World Institute in Paris and then at the National Museum of Damascus (2009)

2003 Made in Palestine at the Station Museum of Contemporary Art, Houston, Texas, then at the 11th Cairo Biennale (2008), and the Still Life Symposium at the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds, UK (2008)

Khaled Farhan

Born Muharraq, Bahrain, 1977.

BA Arts Education, University of Cairo, Egypt.

Artwork in public collections:

  • Oman Municipality
  • Alexandria Library
  • Portugal Sculpture Museum
  • Bahrain National Museum
  • Aswan Open Museum
  • Bahrain National Museum

Memberships: Arab Artists Group-Cairo; Bahrain Arts Society.



  • Oman International Sculpture Symposium, Muscat (Marble)
  • Alriwaq Art Gallery Exhibition (Farhan & Jaffar Al Oraibi), Kingdom of Bahrain
  • Oman Municipality, (Accumulation)


  • Kuwait International Sculpture Symposium, Kuwait (Marble)
  • Cairo International Biennale, Egypt
  • Grant of City Desert, Paris
  • International Exhibition of Contemporary Sculpture, Miyazaki Airport, Japan
  • Simppetra International Sculpture Symposium, Portugal (Granite)
  • Alexandria international sculpture symposium, Egypt (Granite)
  • Alexandria Library (Relation)
  • Portugal Sculpture Museum in Kaldash City


  • Bahrain International Sculpture Symposium, Kingdom of Bahrain (Wood)
  • Herika International Sculpture Symposium, Turkey (Marble)
  • Ammar International Sculpture Symposium, Dubai (Marble)
  • “The Dream 2005” Exhibition, Displayed his own works at Muharraq, Bahrain


  • First Bahrain International Sculpture Symposium, Kingdom of Bahrain (Marble)
  • 7th and 8th Aswan International Sculpture Symposium, Aswan (Granite)


  • Cairo 14th Youth Salon, Egypt
  • Bahrain National Museum (Legend Sculpture)
  • Aswan Open Museum (One Woman)


  • Port Said – Fifth National Biennale Exhibition
  • Bahrain National (The branches of paradise)
  • Annual Plastic Arts Exhibition, Mounted by Ministry of Information 2001-2002-2003


  • Boy Scouts Exhibition Prize
  • University Youth Prize
  • Second Place for Sculpture
  • Bahrain Students Overseas Club First Prize for photography

1986  Second place for photography

Jaffer Al Oraibi

Born, Bahrain, 1976

BA Education, University of Bahrain


2008 First Prize, Qatari Diar Art Symposium


  • Third Prize for Fifteenth Youth Salon, Cairo
  • Silver Palm Prize from the Seven GCC, Kuwait

Membership: Bahrain Arts Society



  • Mumbai, International Forum for Plastic Arts, India
  • “Whispers from the East”  Bahrain Museum


  • Art Street – Al-Riwaq Gallery, Bahrain
  • Beautiful Mess – Al-Riwaq Gallery, Bahrain
  • Sana’a International Forum for Plastic Arts, Yemen
  • Bilateral Relations, Bahrain Museum
  • “The Ultimate Experience” – Al-Riwaq Gallery, Bahrain
  • 50* 50 Exhibition – Al-Barih Art Gallery, Bahrain


  • Assilah Culture Forum, Morocco
  • Qatari Diar Art Symposium, Qatar
  • China Art Olympiad Biennale, China
  • Solo Exhibition – Bahrain Arts Society
  • Roushan Festival of the Minor Works of Art – Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


  • Bahrain Fine Art Exhibition – Sharga, UAE
  • Joint Exhibition / Jaffar Al-Oraibi /  Khaled Farhan – Al-Riwaq Gallery, Bahrain
  • Emmar International Symposium – DUBAI 2006, July 2006 Exhibition – Uoropia Gallery, France


  • Residency and Exhibited at the Cite International des Arts, Paris
  • La Gravure Original – Triennale de Chamalieres, France
  • 5th International Print Triennial, Egypt

2005 2nd Joint exhibition for Etching & Printing with: Ali Khamees, Ali Mubarak, Bahrain


  • Ten Bahraini Contemporary Artists – Al-Riwaq Gallery, Bahrain
  • Assilah & Culture Forum, Morocco
  • Assilah & Culture Forum, Bahrain


  • Joint Exhibition for Etching & Printing with: Ali Khamees, Ali Mubarak, Bahrain
  • Fifteenth Youth Salon, Cairo
  • 4th International Print Triennial, Egypt

Adam Henein

Previous - Next

A Retrospective Exhibition

An exhibition conceived and organized by The Al-Mansouria Foundation for Culture and Creativity on the occasion of the launching of the monograph “Adam Henein.”

  • Al Mansouria – Dar El Shorouk for the Arabic version
  • Al Mansouria – SKIRA for the French and English versions

Read More

Exhibition Design and supervision: Dr. Salah Marei
Production: Studio Misr

Ehab El Labban

2006 Accommodation Residency “Cités Internationale des Arts,” sponsored by The Al-Mansouria Foundation in Paris, France

2004 Participated in the program for international visitors for Art, USA


2003 First Prize of Sculptor, Fifteenth Salon of Youth, Egypt

2002 Grand Prize, Fourteenth Salon of Youth, Egypt

2001 Jury Prize, Thirteenth Salon of Youth, Egypt

Public Art:

Rose Granite Monumental Statue before Kaitbay Citadel, Alexandria

Rose Granite Monumental Statue, Open Museum, Aswan

Monumental Statue, Rosia Montana, Romania

Monumental Statue, Int. Cairo Airport



  • 4th Beijing Biennale
  • 3rd Beijing Biennale
  • Egyptian Sculpture exhibition, Serbia – Egyptian Contemporary Exhibition, Italy

2006 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris

2005 Exhibition of the Grand-Prize winning artists in Rome

2004 Egyptian-Italian Exhibition “The Celebration of the Egyptian-Italian Year,” Rome

2003 Sixth Small Art Works Exhibition – Fifteenth Salon of Youth


  • Fifth Small Art Works Exhibition
  • Fourteenth Salon of Youth
  • The Twenty Eighth National Exhibition


  • Fourth Small Art Works Exhibition
  • The Twenty Seventh National Exhibition
  • Thirteenth Salon of Youth

Sculpture Symposiums:

2010 ADISS International Sculpture Symposium in Abu Dhabi

2008 First International Sculpture Symposium Rosia Montana, Romania


  • First International Sculpture Symposium in Romania
  • First International Sculpture Symposium Kuwait

2004 Ninth International Aswan Symposium of Sculpture

2003 Eighth International Aswan Symposium of Sculpture

Laila Muraywid

Born in Damascus, she graduated from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts before continuing her studies in Paris. Alongside her photographic and sculpture practice, Muraywid is also a renowned fashion and jewelry designer where she successfully links the parallel worlds of haute couture and art. She has previously exhibited at the Galliera Museum (Musee de la Mode in Paris) and most recently at the Waterhouse and Dadd’s “Routes” group exhibition in London.

SSE & SGE (1994-2009)

  • Musée Courdresien des Dentelles et Broderies, France
  • Breaking the Veil, Kennedy Center, Washington DC


  • Routes, Waterhouse & Dodd, London, UK.
  • Traversee, Art Paris, France.


  • Fredric Maison Gallery
  • Mediterranean Dialogues, St Tropez
  • Mediterraneo: A Sea That Unites, Italian Cultural Institute, London, UK
  • Carte Blanche to Joel Peter Witikin, Cite international des Arts, Paris

2004 Performance and Exhibition at the Musee Galliera, Paris

2003 Breaking the Veil, Art Reach Foundation

2002 Performance and Exhibition at the Musee Galliera, Paris

1999 The Museum of Decorative Arts, Paris

1997 Defile and Exhibition of Jewelry, Institute du Monde Arabe, Paris

1994 Forces of Change, National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington

Ghassan Ghaeb

Born Baghdad, Iraq, 1964

BA Fine Arts, Institute of Fine Arts and Academy of Fine Arts, 1997

Lives and works in Baghdad, Iraq


1996 Third Prize, Festival of Contemporary Iraqi Art, Baghdad

1993 National Committee for Contemporary Iraqi Art

1987 Sixth Al-Wasiti Festival


Society of Iraqi Plastic Arts

Union of Iraqi Artists



“Strokes of Genius: Contemporary Iraqi Art,” tour UK: Brunei Gallery, London, Exeter University
Hotbath Galleries, Bath and USA: Grinnell College, Iowa, 1997
Environment in Iraqi Art, Amman
1997-85 Young Artists, Baghdad

1996 One Dimension Group, Amman

1996, 1995

Hewar Gallery, Baghdad
Contemporary Iraqi Art, Athar Gallery, Baghdad

Mahras International Festival, Tunisia
Three Iraqi Artists, Saddam Arts Center, Baghdad
1991, 1989, 1987, 1985 Al-Wasiti Festival, Baghdad

1986,1985,1984 Baghdad International Biennale