Nazir Yahya

Born in Iraq 1945, began painting at an early age. He developed a rich portfolio which later on qualified him to the Academy of Fine Arts in Baghdad. In 1966, Al Sheikh graduated, and later on travelled abroad to complete his art studies where he earned an M.A degree in Graphic Arts. By 1970, Al Sheikh completed his PhD in Science of Art from The Union Research Institute in Moscow.

In additional to being an artist, Yahya Alsheikh has worked as a designer, illustrator, and Art Professor since 1972. From 1977 until now he has lived in several countries like Russia, Syria, Libya, Jordan, and finally he settled in Norway. Since 1972, Al Sheikh held 19 solo exhibitions, show casing his graphic works and paintings in Baghdad, Moscow, Tripoli, Muscat, Trondheim (Norway), London, Paris.

Al Sheikh also participated in many international exhibitions in Lubiana, Krakow, Warsaw, Bionic Aires. He is member of: Iraqi Society, Norwegian Artists Union, City of Art / Paris, Tunisian Artist Union and Euman.