Alaa Siraih

Born Basra, Iraq, 1965.

BA Painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Baghdad, 1989.

Worked as a theatre designer at the Baghdad National Theatre.

Memberships: Union of Iraqi Artists; Society of Iraqi Plastic Artists; Society of Iraqi Artists. Lives and works in London.


2001 Talisman & Symbols, Kufa Gallery, London.
1983 Basryatha, Basra, Iraq.

2004 Body, Soul and Seed, London.
2004 New Spring, ANO Atelier, Germany.
2003 Expressions of Hope, AYA Gallery, London.
2003 Before, After, Now: Visions of Iraq, Deluxe Gallery, London.
2002-0 Irakische Kulturtage, Lubeck, Germany.
1999 Youth Artists, ANO Atelier, Germany.
1993 Azal, Brussels.
1992 Al-Hathar International Festival, Baghdad.
1991 Babylon International Festival, Baghdad.
1991-89 Iraqi Landscapes, Art Centre, Baghdad.